Monday, December 13, 2010


By: Otep

I chose this song because I really like this song and Otep is one of my favorite bands. The lead singer Otep Shamaya is pretty much my idol. The song Confrontation is basically saying don't be silent. In the very beginning it says: "Don't be silent. Fight." Meaning, when your getting picked on or have something to say, don't be silent, speak up and speak out. Fight back. This song really kinda spoke to me because I used to get picked on alot.
After listening to it, I realized I shouldn't just sit there and take it all, I should do something about it. Or when I had something to say, I should speak up and just say it.


Dont. Be.... Silent, FIGHT!!!!

[verse 1]
Heres your introduction to destruction
and the hate sustaining me.
Are we safer or in danger?
Drowning in atrocities?
Riot gear, slaves are here.
Corpses piling high.
It's the rich mans war.
But its the poor that fight.
More capitalist crimes.
More enemies than allies.
No WMD's, who gives a F*** if they die?
Just kill em' all, watch them fall.
Skin the world with their lies.
It's a rich mans war.
But its the poor that fight.

Stand up.
Speak out.
Strike back.
Stand up.
Speak out.
Strike back.
They dont know, what they started.

[verse 2]
My religion of resistance.
Challenging everything.
Radicals and dissidents of creativity.
We are the children of the seige you hide.
In this rich mans war.
Where the poor just die.
More deception and greed.
More wars and diesease.
More lies from the hive mind that seek to deceive.
A week nation of need.
Like silent theives in the night.
Its a rich mans war.
But its the poor that fight.

Stand up.
Speak out.
Strike back.
Stand up.
Speak out.
Strike back.
They dont know, what they started.


This is my, battle cry.
Defy the lies of the tyrant race.
With a fist in the air and a finger in their face.

Defy the tyrants!
Dont be silent!

Defy the tyrants!
Dont be silent!

Defy the tyrants!
Dont be silent!

Defy the tyrants!
Dont be silent!

Stand up.
Speak out.
Strike back.
Stand up.
Speak out.
Strike back.
They dont know, what they started.

Theres no way they can stop us now.
So let them try.
We fight or we die.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

South Africa Part 1

South Africa Part 1
Apartheid: An official policy of racial segregation formerly practiced in the Republic of South Africa, involving political, legal, and economic discrimination against nonwhites.

Nelson Mandela: The president of South Africa.

Cold Weather

Cold weather, I absolutely hate it.
It makes me get sick. All the time. The cold weather isnt that great in my opinion. I really dislike it when its already cold and there wind and or rain. I get sick easily already and the cold makes it easier.