Thursday, February 3, 2011


I believe that technology has gone too far. It has made our generation lazy and gives our generation a bad name/reputation. Today technology can do so much. You can program your DVR from your phone, close the garage door all with your phone. We can get netflix and Internet on cell phones. Web Chat. Watch YouTube videos. The list goes on and on.
Now days, its all about texting and talking on phones. It annoys me that now days everyone is always texting, playing video games, and talking on phones. What happened to the days where kids and teenagers would go out and do stuff. Go play in the dirt/mud, ride bikes. Now everyone stays indoors and plays with their phones, playing on their Xbox/PS3/Wii etc. Its absolutely ridicules how much technology has progressed.
I mean its amazing how we went from absolutely no technology to the stuff we have now. But I think they've taken it too far now.