Friday, September 24, 2010

Four Skinny Trees & No Speak English

☼Four Skinny Trees:
Esperanza has four skinny tree's outside her bedroom window. The trees are like their own people. Own personal beings. She admires them for the most part and Nenny just sleeps and doesnt appreciate them.

"Their strength is a secret. They send ferocious roots beneath the ground. They grow up and grow down and grab the earth between thei hairy toes and bite the sky with their violent teeth and never quit their anger. This is how they keep.
Let oneforget his reason for being, they'd all droop like tulips ina glass,each with their armsaround the other..."

○No Speak English:
Mamacita, the wife of the man across the street from Esperanza. The man worked from early in the morning to late at night. Everyday. He worked to pay for Mamacita to come to this new country. To the United States. A yellow taxi pulled up in front of the house across the street and the man pulled, the taxi cab driver pushed. Push, Pull, Push, Pull. Until shewasout of the cab. Mamacita and the baby boy had finally arrived. The man carried all her suitcases and things into the house and Mamacita carried the baby boy into the house. After shemoved in, noone seemed toseemuch of her. They say its because she's afraid to speak english, others say its because shes too fat. Others say its becauseshe cant go up and down the stairs. Whatever her reasons were, she wouldntcomedown the stairs. No one saw her. She sits in the windowall day playing the spanish radio and would sing homesicksongs about her homecountry. The man would get angry becauseof how homesick she was.

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