Thursday, January 6, 2011

Gay Rights

I personally feel very strongly about gay rights.
In my opinion, even gay people have the same rights as any one else does. They shouldnt be treated any differently just because of their preffrences. I know how it is to be rejected because of that.
It bugs me when someone says they hate gay guys just because they think its disgusting. But they like lesbian girls because they think its "hot". Its all the same and they fail to realize that. Gender doesnt change anything. I say I know how this feels, because Im one of the many that lives that life. The only difference between me and them, Im bisexual. And I still get discriminated. I think its wrong for people to treat others differently just because their different. Just because their different, doesnt mean they should be treated any differently than anyone else. With Gay Rights these days, its just like the slavery times in 1619+. They get treated horribly, just like the slaves were. Now the gay people arent like slaves, but their treated just as bad, and I hate it.
I feel very strongly on this subject.

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